The Yangtze Hotel
Handmade artist book.
A set of 76 postcards in a handmade 'low-fi' box, featuring pictures of all the 76 beds that Yan slept on during the Mother River journeys.
With diary entries on the back of the cards, telling Yan's personal experiences while shooting for the Mother River project.
75 postcards will have the diary entries printed on the back. The last one will have Yan's handwritten message on the back. A different card will be written on each time.
Only 76 sets will be made, plus 10 artist proofs.
Each set is personalised, unique and numbered. Priced at £76 each set.
Completed with Yan's traditional Chinese ink stamp.
19 sets are gone by December 2018.
Digital print, A6 size, 350 gsm paper.